Once you have the program downloaded, here's how to use it:
1. Create your document in any word processor or web page program.
2. Using SaveAs, save the document in Web Page html format.
3. Once it is in html, Click Print. The print screen will come up. If you scroll down the menu where you choose the printer, PrimoPDF will show up as a printer.
4. Select PrimoPDF as the printer.
5. Click Print.
It will take several seconds for the Primo screen to come up. Don't worry. It will eventually show up. When it does, choose the eBook format. Then you can fill in the document properties with your name, the title and other information.
Click on the Security Settings button and choose the amount of security you want, if the user can print it or not, etc. Then pick the location where you want to save the file.
I usually have the Post Process set to Open PDF so I can look at the file. Sometimes the pages will be a little off in the formatting, and I'll have to go back and put in some page breaks to make things look good on each page.
Finally, click Create PDF. Again it will take a while but eventually Acrobat Adobe will open and your file will appear. It is already saved when you see it.